This is our interview with the cast and crew from Pixar Animation Studios’ Dream Productions. We caught up with Paula Pell (Paula Persimmon) and Ally Maki (Janelle) to learn about their connection to their characters and how the series resonates with their own experiences in the film and television industry. We also had a chat with Jaclyn Simon (Series Producer), Valerie LaPointe (Director of Episodes 1 and 2), and Austin Madison (Director of Episode 3) about the creation of this show, and how they drew inspiration from their own dreams and the dreams of those closest to them to bring the imaginative world of this comedic mockumentary mini-series to life.
This is our interview with the cast and crew from Pixar Animation Studios’ Dream Productions. We caught up with Paula Pell (Paula Persimmon) and Ally Maki (Janelle) to learn about their connection to their characters and how the series resonates with their own experiences in the film and television industry. We also had a chat with Jaclyn Simon (Series Producer), Valerie LaPointe (Director of Episodes 1 and 2), and Austin Madison (Director of Episode 3) about the creation of this show, and how they drew inspiration from their own dreams and the dreams of those closest to them to bring the imaginative world of this comedic mockumentary mini-series to life.
Pixar Animation Studios’ Dream Productions is streaming now on Disney+.
Watch our full Interview with Paula Pell & Ally Macki on YouTube
Watch our full interview with Jaclyn Simon, Valerie LaPointe and Austin Madison on YouTube